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The Beauty Hub

Your essential guide to living an organic lifestyle.

Is Palm Oil OK for eczema?
Sensitive skin

Is Palm Oil OK for eczema?

There are absolutely no problems with having palm oil as a part of the fatty acid profile in a moisturiser for eczema sufferers.

By Alexandra Julian


0 Minute read

How to keep your mouth healthy without harsh chemicals
Dental tips

How to keep your mouth healthy without harsh chemicals

Could making the switch to natural toothpaste help improve the health of your smile? Here we explore how to keep your mouth healthy without harsh chemicals.

By Hannah Mepham


6 Minute read

How to get rid of cradle cap
Baby & pregnancy

How to get rid of cradle cap - a real-life success story

This guide aims to show you how to get rid of cradle cap on your baby. We explain why young babies are so prone to developing the condition, share our top tips on how to prevent cradle cap and show you a real-life success story with our Organic Babies Soothing Baby Salve.

By Alexandra Julian


4 Minute read

How to get clear skin naturally
Skin care

How to get clear skin naturally

This guide aims to help you to get clear skin naturally. We explain why our skin can be prone to spots, blemishes and breakouts, share our top tips on how to get clear skin naturally and offer product advice to achieve a gorgeous blemish-free complexion that is balanced, clear and naturally radiant.

By Hannah Mepham


6 Minute read

radiotherapy skin care
Skin care

A guide to radiotherapy skin care

This guide offers some information on skin care for those who are undergoing radiotherapy treatment. Many people who have been treated are advised to use gentle, scent-free products on the affected area and we look at our range of neutral/scent free products and have some tips on caring for your skin after treatment.

By Alexandra Julian


5 Minute read

How to create a natural anti-ageing skin care routine
Anti ageing

How to create a natural anti-ageing skin care routine

Starting to notice the first signs of ageing? Read on and discover how to build your ideal natural anti-ageing skin care routine.

By Hannah Mepham


4 Minute read

gluten free skin care
Clean beauty

Do you really need gluten-free skin care?

So that you know exactly what you are putting on your skin we’ll be running a series of myth-busters to help you face the facts when it comes to choosing personal care products that suit your lifestyle choices. In this article, we’re getting under the skin of gluten-free skincare.

By Alexandra Julian


7 Minute read

How to control oily skin naturally
Skin care

How to control oily skin and acne naturally

This guide offers information and advice for those with oily skin. We understand the causes of oily skin and the best ways to care for it. We have advice on the best skin care for oily skin and also how changes in your diet can help to bring oily skin under control.

By Hannah Mepham


4 Minute read

Best hair care for frizzy hair
Shampoo & styling

How to control frizzy hair naturally

This guide gives information on why your hair can become frizzy. We take a look at how to tame frizziness naturally and suggest some of the best products for frizzy hair.

By Hannah Mepham


2 Minute read

teenage spots
Skin care

Essential guide to teenage spots & skin problems

This guide for teenage skin helps you to understand what causes acne, spots and blemishes and how to get teenage skin under control. We take a look at what causes acne, and what natural ingredients can help you to tackle teenage skin and achieve a blemish-free complexion. Oy! is a range of organic skin care for teenagers which is brimming over with natural active ingredients selected for their punch in the fight for a clear complexion.

By Alexandra Julian


9 Minute read

How to calm a prickly heat rash flare-up
Sensitive skin

How to calm a prickly heat rash flare-up

Don’t let the pain of prickly heat spoil your summer. Soothe irritated skin with these fast-fix tips to calm a prickly heat flare-up.

By Hannah Mepham


6 Minute read

A hand holding a Green People sun cream product
Sun & travel

Essential guide to SPFs and UV protection

This guide provides information on SPFs and UV protection. We dispel the most commonly held misconceptions regarding the differences and effectiveness of Sun Protection Factors (SPF) and explain why organic sunscreens are so much gentler on your skin than many traditional high street sun lotions.

By Alexandra Julian


4 Minute read

allergy prone skin
Skin care

Had an allergic reaction to skin care?

This guide looks at sensitive skin and which chemical ingredients in many personal care products are known irritants and allergens.

By Alexandra Julian


7 Minute read